Mission Statement
Inspiring a learning community for all
Statement of Values
We strive for excellence in teaching and learning by providing a high quality educational environment. We aim for children to succeed, grow and achieve their full potential. We celebrate all aspects of our diverse and inclusive school, developing close links with our community. This will inspire our children to become responsible, local and global citizens. Through endeavour, resilience and perseverance our children will become creative and independent learners. They will be learners for life in an ever-changing world.
At Lawefield Primary we offer an education rich in knowledge, culture, language and vocabulary, rooted in our curriculum, with reading at its heart, and implemented in a nurturing environment that invests much in social and emotional capital, enabling all to thrive. Our aim is to achieve real equity and equality of opportunity for ALL pupils, in line with Equality Act 2010 and SEND regulations 2014, thus equipping our children with a deep body of knowledge built up over time strengthened by culturally rich experiences, enabling them to confidently and successfully navigate the world beyond our gates. Our curriculum promotes diversity and challenges stereotypes to ensure that children are ready to become responsible global citizens in an ever-changing world.
At Lawefield Primary, we have designed our own 3D curriculum which has been meticulously planned with topics that allow the development of themes and concepts and that are of interest and relevance to our diverse community. The curriculum is a rich base of factual knowledge and vocabulary that helps pupils to make connections within a 3D model. This leads to further learning and supports the transfer of knowledge to long-term memory. Knowledge and vocabulary are at the heart of the design of each unit through the years. The framework for each year group aims to set out the key knowledge that will be taught, and how this knowledge develops cumulatively throughout the unit. Knowledge builds through the years with a careful progression of teaching which draws on the national curriculum. We are developing our maps of progression across all subjects to track and codify the progress for our pupils. This has allowed us to meet not only the requirements of the National Curriculum, but to ensure progression and retention of knowledge. Our curriculum offers opportunities for children to increase their cultural experiences and knowledge.
Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction play a key role in developing knowledge and skills so that children know more and remember more overtime across all subject areas of the curriculum. Cognitive and metacognitive strategies are deployed in order for children to become self-regulated learners. To support children to retain the knowledge they have learned, spaced retrieval is used to move the knowledge from the short-term memory to long-term memory. This also allows us to develop vocabulary as well as subject knowledge – a key tool for the progression of all pupils at Lawefield Primary. Knowledge organisers are utilised so that all stake holders are aware of the key knowledge to be learned in each topic.
The development of language and vocabulary is the golden thread that runs through our curriculum and is taught through various schemes and strategies based on the age and needs of the children. Latin is taught in KS2 to support the understanding and etymology of words. Vocabulary is explicitly taught across all subjects so that children can understand and use a broad language base. Children are supported in their learning through a language rich environment that promotes language acquisition and the understanding of new vocabulary.
Reading is a priority from the earliest years at Lawefield, starting with the development of phonemic awareness in the nursery and the explicit teaching of the 44 phonemes of the English language throughout reception and beyond via our rigorous, sequential Read Write Inc phonics programme, enabling all to decode words confidently and writers). A love for reading is promoted throughout school as the first step to becoming lifelong readers.
Current and ongoing research led CPD leads to the application of research informed pedagogy which enables all teachers to plan a progressive knowledge rich curriculum and deliver high quality teaching that allows children to develop the tool kit required to gain knowledge and make strong progress from their starting points. Developmental CPD ensures that strong subject leaders are able to support teaching staff to acquire in depth subject knowledge needed to deliver a high quality, knowledge based curriculum that is progressive and relevant to the needs of our children.
We aim to make learning “enticing” and instil a love of learning for life. Pupils’ experiences are of paramount importance in the delivery of the Lawefield curriculum; providing a meaningful context to learning. The curriculum sets out experiences to enrich and complement topics in order to enhance pupil understanding. These are usually trips out of the school, but can also be workshops and visits from others. Experiences allow our pupils, who come from differing backgrounds, equal opportunity to experience people and places that they may not have access to otherwise. Through these experiences, they will also develop key life skills that we can take for granted - how to use transport, how to interact with others and how to conduct themselves in public, all essential in the development of themselves as both pupils and as active citizens in our society. These experiences help to develop aspirations and awareness of opportunities and choices in life and challenge stereotypes through allowing the children the opportunity to see the world beyond their own life.
Assessment at Lawefield is designed to shape future learning. It is not excessive or onerous as is part of the day to day working practices of the classroom. Teachers ensure that pupils embed key concepts in their long-term memory. Key skills and objectives for curriculum areas are revisited throughout the year and applied in different contexts. Formal assessments are carried out three times a year and are used to track the progress of children and identify gaps in learning so that next steps in learning can be planned for. Assessments are reliable and are moderated to ensure that expected outcomes are fully understood by all staff.
As a school, we pride ourselves on having created a nurturing and enabling environment for children to learn and thrive. High expectations and the insistence of good behaviour for learning are at the heart of this and is supported by the promotion of positive mental health and a culture of resilience.
Pupil progress is evident through ongoing assessment and through three key assessment points during the year. Work is planned to address misconceptions and gaps in learning identified through assessments to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils.
Curriculum subject leaders are responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of their own subject area. Additional management time is given to subject leaders to enable them to successfully carry out their roles and responsibilities, without adding to their workload. The information from the monitoring and evaluation then forms the basis of the impact assessment for that curriculum area.
The Senior Leadership Team have overall leadership for assessing the intent, implementation and impact of the whole curriculum that we offer here at Lawefield. These leaders have overall vision of the monitoring and evaluation and will guide staff in their roles and responsibilities.
A judgement on the impact of the curriculum on pupils is based upon a triangulation of different monitoring and evaluation activities within school. Work and book scrutiny, pupil voice discussions, outcomes of assessments and quality of teaching and learning are all used at tools to help senior leaders assess the impact of the curriculum.
The impact of the school’s curriculum can be seen through the quality of work the pupils produce and the in-year progress demonstrated by all groups of pupils.
We have high aspirations for all, expecting: