At Lawefield Primary School we are very aware of the importance of art within the curriculum and the positive impact that it has on children's overall academic achievement and mental well being. We have created a progressive arts curriculum where children develop the skills and knowledge needed to become artists. We have a professional artist who works alongside our children and staff to ensure that our arts curriculum is high quality and delivered effectively by teachers.
In addition to this, we have been extremely fortunate to have been adopted by The Art House in Wakefield. This special relationship means that the children have the opportunity to be immersed in art by working with resident artists and using the art studios. Our work has been exhibited in The Art House gallery and we are very proud of our children's achievements.
See below the amazing art work at Lawefield Primary School.
Year 5 are inspired by Antoni Gaudi
Our year 5 children have been looking at some of the intricate mosaics of Spain’s most famous architect, Antoni Gaudi.
Discovering that Gaudi was inspired by the natural world, the children collected their own examples of textures and patterns from nature.
Using terracotta clay they went on to create beautiful designs onto their own handmade clay tiles. They used clay tools to carve and score
their textures and patterns into the clay. Finally they used acrylic paint and ceramic mosaic pieces to add their own beautiful and intricate decoration.
Y1 Make Land Art like Andy Goldsworthy
During the half term holiday the children were encouraged to collect natural materials when they were out and about with their families.
On returning to school they brought shells, pebbles, fir cones, conkers and all manner of treasures in order to make Andy Goldsworthy inspired Land Art.
On a sunny autumn morning back in school they sorted their natural materials and then set about arranging them into beautiful 3D Land Art Sculptures.
Do you know whether Vincent Van Gogh was an Impressionist? We do!
Our year 6 children investigated perspective, reflection, shadow and movement in the paintings of the artists Camille Pissarro,
Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh to answer the question of whether Van Gogh could be considered an Impressionist painter.
Choosing well known Wakefield landmarks such as the Theatre Royal, the Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield Cathedral, and Pugneys Country Park
the children used the loose brushwork they had observed in the styles of the three famous artists.
Inspired by the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist techniques we studied; the children were able to
develop their own styles of painting further to create some very impressive paintings.
Year 2 children impress the curators of the Hepworth Gallery
Our year 2 children had a fabulous visit to the Hepworth Gallery to round off their work about the sculpture of Barbara Hepworth
and to see some of her most famous work 'in the flesh'.
The gallery curators commented on how engaged and knowledgeable the children were and were most impressed when the
children were able to explain that the blue/green patina on the sculptures was called verdigris!
Upper KS2 make Art to Light Up Wakefield!
We were lucky enough to have some professional artists come and work with us recently to produce Art work which is to be displayed to the public of Wakefield. We are so excited that our fabulous stained glass windows will be used as part of the Light up Wakefield event which will be happening in November in the centre of town.
Our stained-glass windows looked amazing at the Light Up Wakefield event.
They were on display to the public for two months and looked very impressive as part of the LED lighting show.
Y2 Barbara Hepworth
The year 2 children are currently finding out about the famous Wakefield sculptor Barbara Hepworth. They have explored how she constructed the sculptures in her ‘Family of Man’ series by building up 3d shapes to represent human forms. The children then enjoyed building their own sculptures to make human forms for our own ‘Family of Lawefield’.
Y6 Collaborative Community Art at Wakefield Cathedral
A few weeks ago Year 6 children took part in an exciting community art project at Wakefield Cathedral to produce a huge abstract art work based on their feelings and responses to music. Many community groups were also involved in the collaborative piece of art which will go on display at the cathedral as part of a new public exhibition.
Year 6 - Wire Sculptures
Year 6 have been designing and making 3D sculptures using wire based on a rainforest animal of their choice.
Self-portraits inspired by the work of Frida Kahlo
Year 5 have been learning about the Mexican surrealist artist Frida Kahlo.
They have studied her self-portraits and have used themes in her work to paint their own self-portraits using watercolour. Aren’t they amazing?
She has inspired so many of our children due to her perseverance, passion and resilience. As Frida said, ‘Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?’
Year 1 are wild about hedgehogs!
Making Giant Lanterns
Recently our Year 5 pupils had the opportunity to take part in the ‘Light up Wakefield’ event, joining in with the evening procession of lighted lanterns through the city centre. The children made their own giant lanterns from bamboo and paper during a day-long workshop and represented our school by carrying the colourful and delicate lanterns during the event.
All about Abstract Art with year 3
The children in year 3 found out about two Abstract artists from North America. The first artist was called Helen Frankenthaler and the children enjoyed creating their own beautiful abstract artwork on the floor just like she did. They also studied the vibrant, expressive paintings of Jean- Michel Basquiat. His fascination with painting skulls and heads inspired them to create their own skull themed paintings.
Making Greek Pots from Clay
In Autumn 2, as part of their Art, Year 4 had the fantastic opportunity to work with The Art House to create a clay pot.
This was inspired by the outstanding work of British artist Grayson Perry.
The children also looked at Ancient Greek pottery and really enjoyed making their own in the pottery studio.
We now have our very own art gallery in school where they are displayed.
After the children had added detail to their pots, they were glazed and fired in a kiln.
Aren’t the finished pieces fantastic?
Learning Embroidery with Textile Artist Ranya
We studied the beautiful work of textile artist Ranya before making our own embroidery as part of our Viking and Anglo Saxon topic in year 5.
"We Make Wakefield" Posters
In the Summer Year 2 designed their own 'We Make Wakefield' posters based on our favourite places around Wakefield. They loved the posters so much at the Art House they held a special exhibition in their gallery space to display them to the public.
At Lawefield Primary School we are very aware of the importance of art within the curriculum and the positive impact that it has on children's overall academic achievement and mental well being. We have created a progressive arts curriculum where children develop the skills and knowledge needed to become artists. We have a professional artist who works alongside our children and staff to ensure that our arts curriculum is high quality and delivered effectively by teachers.
In addition to this, we have been extremely fortunate to have been adopted by The Art House in Wakefield. This special relationship means that the children have the opportunity to be immersed in art by working with resident artists and using the art studios. Our work has been exhibited in The Art House gallery and we are very proud of our children's achievements.
See below the amazing art work at Lawefield Primary School.
Year 5 are inspired by Antoni Gaudi
Our year 5 children have been looking at some of the intricate mosaics of Spain’s most famous architect, Antoni Gaudi.
Discovering that Gaudi was inspired by the natural world, the children collected their own examples of textures and patterns from nature.
Using terracotta clay they went on to create beautiful designs onto their own handmade clay tiles. They used clay tools to carve and score
their textures and patterns into the clay. Finally they used acrylic paint and ceramic mosaic pieces to add their own beautiful and intricate decoration.
Y1 Make Land Art like Andy Goldsworthy
During the half term holiday the children were encouraged to collect natural materials when they were out and about with their families.
On returning to school they brought shells, pebbles, fir cones, conkers and all manner of treasures in order to make Andy Goldsworthy inspired Land Art.
On a sunny autumn morning back in school they sorted their natural materials and then set about arranging them into beautiful 3D Land Art Sculptures.
Do you know whether Vincent Van Gogh was an Impressionist? We do!
Our year 6 children investigated perspective, reflection, shadow and movement in the paintings of the artists Camille Pissarro,
Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh to answer the question of whether Van Gogh could be considered an Impressionist painter.
Choosing well known Wakefield landmarks such as the Theatre Royal, the Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield Cathedral, and Pugneys Country Park
the children used the loose brushwork they had observed in the styles of the three famous artists.
Inspired by the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist techniques we studied; the children were able to
develop their own styles of painting further to create some very impressive paintings.
Year 2 children impress the curators of the Hepworth Gallery
Our year 2 children had a fabulous visit to the Hepworth Gallery to round off their work about the sculpture of Barbara Hepworth
and to see some of her most famous work 'in the flesh'.
The gallery curators commented on how engaged and knowledgeable the children were and were most impressed when the
children were able to explain that the blue/green patina on the sculptures was called verdigris!
Upper KS2 make Art to Light Up Wakefield!
We were lucky enough to have some professional artists come and work with us recently to produce Art work which is to be displayed to the public of Wakefield. We are so excited that our fabulous stained glass windows will be used as part of the Light up Wakefield event which will be happening in November in the centre of town.
Our stained-glass windows looked amazing at the Light Up Wakefield event.
They were on display to the public for two months and looked very impressive as part of the LED lighting show.
Y2 Barbara Hepworth
The year 2 children are currently finding out about the famous Wakefield sculptor Barbara Hepworth. They have explored how she constructed the sculptures in her ‘Family of Man’ series by building up 3d shapes to represent human forms. The children then enjoyed building their own sculptures to make human forms for our own ‘Family of Lawefield’.
Y6 Collaborative Community Art at Wakefield Cathedral
A few weeks ago Year 6 children took part in an exciting community art project at Wakefield Cathedral to produce a huge abstract art work based on their feelings and responses to music. Many community groups were also involved in the collaborative piece of art which will go on display at the cathedral as part of a new public exhibition.
Year 6 - Wire Sculptures
Year 6 have been designing and making 3D sculptures using wire based on a rainforest animal of their choice.
Self-portraits inspired by the work of Frida Kahlo
Year 5 have been learning about the Mexican surrealist artist Frida Kahlo.
They have studied her self-portraits and have used themes in her work to paint their own self-portraits using watercolour. Aren’t they amazing?
She has inspired so many of our children due to her perseverance, passion and resilience. As Frida said, ‘Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?’
Year 1 are wild about hedgehogs!
Making Giant Lanterns
Recently our Year 5 pupils had the opportunity to take part in the ‘Light up Wakefield’ event, joining in with the evening procession of lighted lanterns through the city centre. The children made their own giant lanterns from bamboo and paper during a day-long workshop and represented our school by carrying the colourful and delicate lanterns during the event.
All about Abstract Art with year 3
The children in year 3 found out about two Abstract artists from North America. The first artist was called Helen Frankenthaler and the children enjoyed creating their own beautiful abstract artwork on the floor just like she did. They also studied the vibrant, expressive paintings of Jean- Michel Basquiat. His fascination with painting skulls and heads inspired them to create their own skull themed paintings.
Making Greek Pots from Clay
In Autumn 2, as part of their Art, Year 4 had the fantastic opportunity to work with The Art House to create a clay pot.
This was inspired by the outstanding work of British artist Grayson Perry.
The children also looked at Ancient Greek pottery and really enjoyed making their own in the pottery studio.
We now have our very own art gallery in school where they are displayed.
After the children had added detail to their pots, they were glazed and fired in a kiln.
Aren’t the finished pieces fantastic?
Learning Embroidery with Textile Artist Ranya
We studied the beautiful work of textile artist Ranya before making our own embroidery as part of our Viking and Anglo Saxon topic in year 5.
"We Make Wakefield" Posters
In the Summer Year 2 designed their own 'We Make Wakefield' posters based on our favourite places around Wakefield. They loved the posters so much at the Art House they held a special exhibition in their gallery space to display them to the public.
At Lawefield Primary School we are very aware of the importance of art within the curriculum and the positive impact that it has on children's overall academic achievement and mental well being. We have created a progressive arts curriculum where children develop the skills and knowledge needed to become artists. We have a professional artist who works alongside our children and staff to ensure that our arts curriculum is high quality and delivered effectively by teachers.
In addition to this, we have been extremely fortunate to have been adopted by The Art House in Wakefield. This special relationship means that the children have the opportunity to be immersed in art by working with resident artists and using the art studios. Our work has been exhibited in The Art House gallery and we are very proud of our children's achievements.
See below the amazing art work at Lawefield Primary School.
Year 5 are inspired by Antoni Gaudi
Our year 5 children have been looking at some of the intricate mosaics of Spain’s most famous architect, Antoni Gaudi.
Discovering that Gaudi was inspired by the natural world, the children collected their own examples of textures and patterns from nature.
Using terracotta clay they went on to create beautiful designs onto their own handmade clay tiles. They used clay tools to carve and score
their textures and patterns into the clay. Finally they used acrylic paint and ceramic mosaic pieces to add their own beautiful and intricate decoration.
Y1 Make Land Art like Andy Goldsworthy
During the half term holiday the children were encouraged to collect natural materials when they were out and about with their families.
On returning to school they brought shells, pebbles, fir cones, conkers and all manner of treasures in order to make Andy Goldsworthy inspired Land Art.
On a sunny autumn morning back in school they sorted their natural materials and then set about arranging them into beautiful 3D Land Art Sculptures.
Do you know whether Vincent Van Gogh was an Impressionist? We do!
Our year 6 children investigated perspective, reflection, shadow and movement in the paintings of the artists Camille Pissarro,
Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh to answer the question of whether Van Gogh could be considered an Impressionist painter.
Choosing well known Wakefield landmarks such as the Theatre Royal, the Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield Cathedral, and Pugneys Country Park
the children used the loose brushwork they had observed in the styles of the three famous artists.
Inspired by the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist techniques we studied; the children were able to
develop their own styles of painting further to create some very impressive paintings.
Year 2 children impress the curators of the Hepworth Gallery
Our year 2 children had a fabulous visit to the Hepworth Gallery to round off their work about the sculpture of Barbara Hepworth
and to see some of her most famous work 'in the flesh'.
The gallery curators commented on how engaged and knowledgeable the children were and were most impressed when the
children were able to explain that the blue/green patina on the sculptures was called verdigris!
Upper KS2 make Art to Light Up Wakefield!
We were lucky enough to have some professional artists come and work with us recently to produce Art work which is to be displayed to the public of Wakefield. We are so excited that our fabulous stained glass windows will be used as part of the Light up Wakefield event which will be happening in November in the centre of town.
Our stained-glass windows looked amazing at the Light Up Wakefield event.
They were on display to the public for two months and looked very impressive as part of the LED lighting show.
Y2 Barbara Hepworth
The year 2 children are currently finding out about the famous Wakefield sculptor Barbara Hepworth. They have explored how she constructed the sculptures in her ‘Family of Man’ series by building up 3d shapes to represent human forms. The children then enjoyed building their own sculptures to make human forms for our own ‘Family of Lawefield’.
Y6 Collaborative Community Art at Wakefield Cathedral
A few weeks ago Year 6 children took part in an exciting community art project at Wakefield Cathedral to produce a huge abstract art work based on their feelings and responses to music. Many community groups were also involved in the collaborative piece of art which will go on display at the cathedral as part of a new public exhibition.
Year 6 - Wire Sculptures
Year 6 have been designing and making 3D sculptures using wire based on a rainforest animal of their choice.
Self-portraits inspired by the work of Frida Kahlo
Year 5 have been learning about the Mexican surrealist artist Frida Kahlo.
They have studied her self-portraits and have used themes in her work to paint their own self-portraits using watercolour. Aren’t they amazing?
She has inspired so many of our children due to her perseverance, passion and resilience. As Frida said, ‘Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?’
Year 1 are wild about hedgehogs!
Making Giant Lanterns
Recently our Year 5 pupils had the opportunity to take part in the ‘Light up Wakefield’ event, joining in with the evening procession of lighted lanterns through the city centre. The children made their own giant lanterns from bamboo and paper during a day-long workshop and represented our school by carrying the colourful and delicate lanterns during the event.
All about Abstract Art with year 3
The children in year 3 found out about two Abstract artists from North America. The first artist was called Helen Frankenthaler and the children enjoyed creating their own beautiful abstract artwork on the floor just like she did. They also studied the vibrant, expressive paintings of Jean- Michel Basquiat. His fascination with painting skulls and heads inspired them to create their own skull themed paintings.
Making Greek Pots from Clay
In Autumn 2, as part of their Art, Year 4 had the fantastic opportunity to work with The Art House to create a clay pot.
This was inspired by the outstanding work of British artist Grayson Perry.
The children also looked at Ancient Greek pottery and really enjoyed making their own in the pottery studio.
We now have our very own art gallery in school where they are displayed.
After the children had added detail to their pots, they were glazed and fired in a kiln.
Aren’t the finished pieces fantastic?
Learning Embroidery with Textile Artist Ranya
We studied the beautiful work of textile artist Ranya before making our own embroidery as part of our Viking and Anglo Saxon topic in year 5.
"We Make Wakefield" Posters
In the Summer Year 2 designed their own 'We Make Wakefield' posters based on our favourite places around Wakefield. They loved the posters so much at the Art House they held a special exhibition in their gallery space to display them to the public.